The world as it has developed has become inter-connected. Thanks to globalization, it is possible to speak to someone from, for example Sydney Australia, from all the way in Nuuk Greenland. Even now, as we start to develop smarter and safer technologies, the problems of mobile phones have started to rise. People are starting to get them at younger ages at alarming rates, with over 1/4 people over the age of 14 having them. Parents have given mobile phones to these children for a variety of reasons (the major reason being for safety), but are the consequences of giving them to their children coming back to bite them?
The children of the y-generation are the future of the world, and therefore, education plays a key and vital role in the future of the role. However, an alarming report in Melbourne (published on purepakisani.com) by the Monash University found that heavy mobile phone users (which were younger people) are slower, and have a poor memory capacity, compared with moderate users of mobile phones. Slower responses were also observed, as well as an increase in the amount of careless mistakes made by the heavy users. The sample size was 300 school students, aged between 12 and 14, from over 20 Melbourne private and public schools. Dr. Geza Benke, who was one of the authors of the report, said "We took into account age, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic status in our research.” The conclusion from the report: Children without this excessive use of the mobile phone had faster reactions, but not as accurate as their fellow excessive users. Dr Benke agrees that this trend will continue right up into adulthood, and it is no surprise.
Scientists have long know the effects of mobile phone use. In the most recent test on the radiation emitted by mobile phones by the European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR), the overall risks of mobile phone use was tested, and although the conclusion stated that no significant health effect had been found at normal exposure levels, this would not correspond to young people. Science has told us that high frequency radio waves can be sent across the world, to be used for communication purposes (which is a positive of mobile phones). The batteries inside the mobile phones are however, susceptible to overheating due to extreme heat exposure. Magnetic fields are emitted by mobile phones (as the waves used to pass information are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and therefore, have a magnetic field in the wave). Studies in the past have indeed proved that, under certain circumstances (such as extreme exposure found in the younger generation) that this can affect human cells, even though these magnetic fields are produced in small amounts. Indeed, research has indicated that mobile phone use can increase the likelihood of a brain tumor forming 2.5 times, and we haven't even gotten into the over psychological affects of mobile phones (such as bullying via text messages).
A list has been made of the top 20 highest radiation mobile phones in the United States, with the Motorala taking out first, second, and third place. Indeed Motorola has 6 out of the top 20 phones on the list, with Blackberry taking out 4, and Samsung taking out 2 spots. These have been measured using the SAR level (digital). Specific Absorption Rate generally means the rate of absorption of energy into the body, when exposed to a radio frequency electromagnetic field. High levels are dangerous, and mobile phones have high levels.
Our advice? Parents, monitor your child's use, and kids, don't spend too long playing the latest applications off the Itunes website!
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